Friday, August 9, 2013

Million Dollar Lottery Winner Laughs Uncontrollably

A lucky lady who played the Maryland Lottery had a really interesting reaction when she claimed her $1 million after she checked the ticket while paying some bills. The woman laughed so hard that Maryland lottery’s officials filmed her with the check hiding her face, because the lady did not want to reveal her identity. The video can be found on YouTube by the name of “Lucky Laugher”, where the lady laughs uncontrollably while presenting her winnings.
The lady said that she bought the ticket before going on a family vacation and checked it after she came back. The married mother of two matched five of the six winning numbers and was extremely surprised when she found out how much money she won, especially since, at first, she wasn’t aware of the amount of money she could win by matching five numbers.
The woman explained that she currently works in the medical field and she does not intend to quit her job. Besides that, she said that at first, she and her family will not do anything extravagant besides creating a college fund for her children, taking a trip to Disney World and buying a new car. Any operator can also get lucky by accessing in order to buy casino games and start a profitable online gambling site.

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